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5 Best Yoga Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Diposting oleh Unknown Selasa, 17 Juli 2012 0 komentar

Lower back pain has gradually become almost a menace for all, thanks to the sedentary lifestyle which requires a working person to sit for practically the whole day. Lack of movement makes the muscles of our low back so weak that we cannot do anything else than to suffer from lower back pain. However, there is a good news that one can easily get rid of lower back pain with regular exercises. Yoga is one of the most effective exercising mediums for keeping one's body healthy and fit. It has innumerable yoga poses for each body part including lower back.

Yoga Poses for Lower Back Pain Relief

There are, no doubt, various yoga exercises that can get one rid of low back pain but many of them are quite demanding. As most of us are not in the habit of exercising regularly, our body gets stiff and many of the yoga asanas (asana is a Hindi term which means pose) want a flexible body to bend as required by the exercise posture. However, there are at least 5 yoga exercises that do not demand too much from our rigid body and we can easily do these yoga poses to get rid of low back pain. The name of these three yoga poses are Salabhasana, Bhujangasana, Setubandhasana, Supta Udarakarshana and Marjariasana.

Ardha Salabhasana- Locust Yoga Pose for Lower Back Pain Relief

Lie down on floor on stomach keeping your with chin touched on the ground
Place both your hands below the thighs. Keep the palms facing up
While inhaling, lift up your right leg as high as possible. Do not bend the knee.
Hold the leg in air while counting till five.
Now while exhaling, bring your leg down.
Again while inhale inhaling, lift up your left leg up, hold till you count five and while exhaling, bring the leg down.
Repeat the process for five times with each leg alternatively.
When you are comfortable with doing ardha salabhasana, you can start doing salabhasana where you must lift both your legs at the same time.

Salabhasana yoga pose make muscles at the back strong along with those of hips, legs and the thighs. This is one of the best yoga exercises for low back pain relief and also increases your stamina.

Bhujangasana- Cobra Yoga Pose for Lower Back Pain Relief

Lie down on stomach with stretched feet, heels, toes and knees kept together
Let your chin touch the ground.
Keep your palms by the side of your chest. Fingers will remain below the shoulder line.
While slowly inhaling, lift your head, neck and chest off the ground. Don't take them too high. Your elbows will remain bent and closer to body. Keep looking up
Hold the position for a count of 5 (about 30seconds)
While exhaling, bring the upper part down.
Repeat the exercise for three times.

Bhujangasan or the cobra pose strengthens your back, especially the lower back by releasing all tension along the back.

Sethubandhasana- Pelvic Tilt Yoga Pose for Lower Back Pain Relief

Lie down on your back with legs folded at the knees, keeping feet flat and as close to the hips as possible. Keep the feet a little apart from each other.
If possible, hold your heels with both the hands otherwise let your hands lie down at the sides with palms down.
While inhaling, lift your waist as high as you can. Hold for about 20-30 seconds.
While exhaling, bring down the waist.
Repeat for five times.

Setubandhasana or the bridge yoga pose is good for over all pelvic muscle strengthening and give relief from low back pain in the process.

Supta Udarakarshan- Spinal Twist Yoga Pose for Lower Back Pain Relief

Lie down on your back, keep the feet together and arms perpendicular to shoulders with palms facing and touching the ground.
While inhaling, lift your right leg up at 90 degrees or as high as possible. Keep the leg straight.
Now take the leg twisting on to left while exhaling. Simultaneously turn your head to right.
Hold for a 30 seconds and bring back the leg and head to earlier position.
Now repeat the process with left leg, lifting the left leg up, twisting towards right while keeping the head on left.
Repeat for six times.

Spinal twisting with alternate leg raising will strengthen your lower back muscles giving you relief from low back pain.

Marjariasana- Cat Stretch Yoga Pose for Lower Back Pain Relief

Kneel down on your hands and knees, keep your hands directly beneath the shoulder and knees beneath the hips. Knees can be kept a foot apart from each other.
Now inhale while curving your spine downwards and then exhale while making an arch like pose with your spine.
While doing the exercise, gaze towards your navel area. Don't bend your arms, keep them straight.
Hold this yoga pose for a few seconds.
While inhaling return to the first position of curved spine.
Repeat this for at least ten times.

Marjariasana yoga pose or the cat pose is a good stretching exercise for your back, torso, and neck and improves spinal flexibility thus goving relief from low back pain.

If you make the habit of doing these yoga asanas everyday, preferably twice (morning and evening), you can hope to get rid of lower backpainin considerable period of time. Also when you continue doing these yoga exercises after your back pain is gone, there is no chance of your lower back pain returning to you!

What Should You Do to be Healthy?

Diposting oleh Unknown Senin, 09 Juli 2012 0 komentar

What Should I Do to be Healthy?
A very crucial question indeed but we all know the answer! Yes, we know what we should do to be healthy but we do not recognize our knowledge because accepting it would mean bringing a certain amount of discipline in life and where there is discipline, there is a check on freedom! However, let me ensure you that when you start doing what is required to remain healthy, you would face the difficulties just for a few days and then its all bliss and happiness. So, the first thing that you can do to be healthy is to close your eyes for a couple of seconds and think about the words that come to your mind when you say 'Health'!

Now, what all did your mind say. I know, the terms that came to your mind were- exercise, food, rest, sleep, no stress, relax- and that's it! You know it all about how to be healthy! So, the second thing that you must do to be healthy is to believe in yourself. You can do all the things whether it be exercise, having balanced diet or optimum sleep. What will be a little difficult (but not impossible) is to remain stress free (if you are prone to take pressure) and ways to find out how you can relax. Here, I will help you in chalking out a health plan by giving some tips on how to be healthy! In fact, I won't call them tips to be healthy but the ways of life that not only bring health but happiness too along with them.

Be Positive, Be Healthy! 

I am not going to say anything spiritual about being positive. What I mean by becoming positive is to believe that you are healthy. The moment you start thinking that you are good, you actually start being good! And when you think about a disease, it feels as if you are suffering from the disease. However, it doesn't at all mean to ignore any of the uncomfortable signs or symptoms that might indicate towards some medical condition of your body. Just don't be over conscious about your health. Do what is needed to be fit and just forget until and unless you seriously feel certain signs of being ill!

Eat Healthy, Stay Healthy! 

Just imagine if you don't eat for a day, what happens to you? I don't need to tell you that but it will make clear the importance of food in our life- food which is literally taken for granted. What you eat will decide what nutrition your body gets. Again you know what is healthy in foods- fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish or other first grade protein sources like soy and dairy products. Don't skip breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day which gives you energy for whole of your day. Have smaller meals at regular intervals of 2-3 hours. This will keep your metabolism in control. Have enough water and fluids (not cold drinks) throughout the day. Keep the levels of salt and sugar low in your daily diet. Don't have fried foods. It's ok to have rich food once in a while but don't make it a regular thing. Avoid junk food as much as possible. Taking care of your food will keep your bones, muscles and other body organs fit and efficient.

Exercise Regularly to Stay Fit and Healthy! 

Now, this is what which is the most frightening thing to do when it comes to be healthy but there's no other way for your body to maintain vigour and energy without exercising. Try not doing anything- literally anything- for a day and be in your bed the whole day long. You'll get the first hand experience of how your body feels when you don't move! So, make a habit of exercising regularly, even if it is brisk walking for 30 minutes. Of course, it will be good if you can exercise a little more and that's a must when you are overweight. Choose your exercise as per your interest to remain motivated. If you don't like gym, don't go there. Do aerobics or yoga. If not, go cycling, jogging, swimming or dancing. Whatever moves your body happily is a great exercise for you. Do exercise for at least 5 days a week.

Sleep Well and Be Cheerfully Healthy! 

A good night's sleep is as important as good food and exercise for your health. So sleep tight at night to rejuvenate your body. When you don't have enough sleep, your energy level falls which is due to the gap in hormonal system that do not get chance to replenish itself. As a result, you become irritable which reflects in your bad mood and low performance throughout the day. Not getting enough sleep also affects your immune system. Avoid caffeine and alcohol before going to bed as they will disturb your sleep.

Learn Stress Management to Be Healthy! 

Stress brings with it all kinds of ailments related to heart, neurology and blood pressure. While a little anxiety gives you motivation to perform, a lot of it can hamper your actual performance. Try to de stress yourself. It's easy said than done but then nothing comes free, not even health. You have to put time and effort to buy your health! When confronted with a problem, don't think negative. Think about the best and the worst situation that the problem can get you in. Now, first focus on the worst situation- is it so bad that you need to lose your health by succumbing to the stress? If not, half of your problem is solved. Now focus on the best situation and the ways that can be employed to reach it. Make a list of solutions- mentally or on paper. Now, keep on reviewing and omitting the items (that now don't look so good a solution) at every repetition. Ultimately, you will be left with one or two options to try for solving your problem. This will definitely help in relieving your stress. You can adopt any other method for solving problems- just don't take stress. Stress, anyhow, doesn't solve any problem!

Relax You Must - To Be Healthy! 

All work and no play will make you dull. A dull body and mind can never feel healthy. So, learn to relax and engage yourself in activities that give you joy. If you are not able to relax and your mind wanders around, you might take help of relaxation techniques like meditation. Learn new skills, develop your one time favorite hobbies that you had not been able to pursue due to busy work schedules. Read, write, sing, dance, socialize, party, travel- anything that will make you happy. Being Happy is Being Healthy. So, you should open all avenues that bring happiness to you and you will naturally become healthy!

So now you don't have to ask as to what should you do to be healthy! You know that you must eat well, sleep tight, stay active, stop stressing and relax. This will change your mind and body inside out and you will live longer, live healthy!