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Ovarian Cancer- Diagnosis and Treatment

Diposting oleh Unknown Kamis, 20 September 2012 1 komentar

Ovarian cancer is historically called 'silent killer'. The reason for its being silent killer is that the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer do not show up in its early stages. Even the diagnosis generally occurs at an advanced stage of the disease. For diagnosis also, surgery is the only reliable means to establish whether a woman suffers from ovarian cancer or not! As far as treatment of ovarian cancer is concerned, it is also done through surgery at all its stages along with some other cancer specific therapies. Here we will discuss the elaborate methods of diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer. To know the causes, signs, symptoms, stages and other information about ovarian cancer, read Ovarian Cancer FAQ

Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer

Due to involement of genetic factors in causing ovarian cancer, personal and family medical history is the first thing which is evalated by gynaecological oncologist to detect ovarian cancer. Many other medical investigations and examinations are also needed to diagnose ovarian cancer.

Pelvic examination: For this, doctor needs to inspect the external parts of the genitals. Doctor also needs to see and feel the uterus and ovaries through medical procedures including insertion of device like speculum or even a gloved hand into vagina and pressing the abdomen.

Ultrasound: Through an ultrasound test, doctor may want to know about the size, shape and configuration of the abnormal growths inside the ovary. A transvaginal ultrasound may also be done by inserting an ultrasound probe into the vagina.

CA 125 Blood Test: Cancer Antigen 125 or Carbohydrate Antigen 125 (CA 125) is a protein found on the surface of ovarian cancer cells and also in some healthy tissues. Mostly, women with ovarian cancer have abnormally high levels of CA 125 in blood. However, many women with early stage of ovarian cancer may have normal levels of CA 125 and also many conditions other than ovariancancer can also lead to high CA 125 levels. Therefor, CA 125 blood test is usually not used for screening or diagnosing ovarian cancer but to monitor the response to the treatment of ovarian cancer.

Surgery: If the above tests and examinations indicate towards the possibility of ovarian cancer, surgery is the only way to confirm the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. During the surgery, the surgeon may collect samples of abdominal fluid and remove an ovary for pathological examination. If cancer is discovered, the surgeon generally immediately begin the surgery to remove as much of the cancer as is possible.

Ovarian Cancer Treatment

Surgery may be the only treatment for early stage cancer. For advanced stages of ovarian cancer, treatment options may include surgery along with chemotherapy and targeted therapy.

Ovarian Cancer Treatment with Surgery

The surgery done for treating ovarian cancer involves the following:
  • Total Hysterectomy- Removal of the uterus.
  • Bilateral Salpin-go-oophorectomy- Removal of both the ovaries and fallopian tube.
  • Partial or complete removal of omentum. Omentum is the fatty layer apron which covers as well as guards the abdominal viscera.
  • Biopsy or removal of the pelvic and aortic lymph nodes. These are affected especailly in the advanced stage of ovarian cancer.
  • Excision of all or most of the cancerous deposits within the abdomen and pelvis region. Effort is done to remove as mu cancer as is possible without compromising safety.

Ovarian Cancer Treatment with Chemotherapy 

After surgery, Chemotherapy is suggested for ovarian cancer treatment, mostly in the advanced stage. Chemotherapy can also be done in earlier stages of ovarian cancer if the disease is high grade. Chemotherapy may also be done for ovarian cancer that has come back (or recurred) after the
first treatment.

During chemotherapy, anti-cancer drugs are administered to kill cancer cells. These drugs are generally given through a drip into a vein. Sometimes tablets and capsules are also given. At times, it may also be given straight into the abdomen which is known as intraperitoneal chemotherapy.

It is highly important for ovarian cancer patients to follow proper chemotherapy schedule. Avoiding requisite timing of chemotherapy or missing dosage of chemotherapy drugs may lead to cancer becoming resistant to further treatment.

Ovarian Cancer Treatment with Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapy is comparatively a new treatment for advanced ovarian cancer which is given with chemotherapy. In it, the cancer cells are made to starve. A drug is given to the ovarian cancer patient which inhibits the growth of abnormal blood vessels that provide nourishment to the cancer cells. Thus this drug targets and inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

A large number of women world over die every year due to ovarian cancer. Our mothers, sisters, wives, daughters and very other woman is at a risk for ovarian cancer which often doesn't show any signs and symptoms in its early stages. However, awareness about the early signs of ovarian cancer and a little carefulness about detecting anything that doesn't look or feel normal might save a woman from being a victim of this silent killer called ovarian cancer. These Ovarian Cancer FAQs are an attempt to spread awareness about ovarian cancer in simplest terms so that each woman on this earth can fight off this disease possibly at an early stage to get a fair chance of survival.

What is Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer is a condition when the normal cells in a woman's ovary change into abnormal cells and grow out of control. Ovaries are the reproductive organs of women where eggs develop for reproduction.

What are Symptoms and Signs of Ovarian Cancer?

At present, it is quite difficult to detect ovarian cancer in its early stages as there are very few symptoms and signs and also because there is no reliable screening test for ovarian cancer. Often, there are no symptoms of ovarian cancer is shown in its early stages and when signs of ovarian cancer start showing up, they are vague and can be easily mistaken for other common ailments. However, three leading international cancer organizations have issued a joint statement according to which the following ovarian cancer symptoms and signs are more likely to occur in women suffering from this cancer.
  • Bloating
  • Pelvic and/or abdominal pain
  • Feeling full quickly or difficulty in eating
  • Urinary symptoms like urge to urinate often and frequently
Other symptoms of ovarian cancer may include:
  • Persistent indigestion, gas or nausea
  • Changes in bowel habits like constipation
  • Increased abdominal girth that can be felt when clothes fit tighter around the waist
  • Lack of energy, fatigue
  • Lower back pain without any explainable cause
Women who experience these symptoms almost daily for more than few weeks and don't go away, must see a doctor, preferably a gynaecologist.

What are Causes of Ovarian Cancer in Women?

In most of the cases, the cuases leading to ovarian cancer remain undisclosed. However, the answer to the question - what causes cancer of ovaries - is sought by everyone. A person can develop ovarian cancer due to several factors.
  • Personal or family history of breast cancer or ovarian cancer
  • Certain genetic defects
  • Old age
Causes of ovarian cancer can be understood more clearly by knowing about the high risk group and low risk group for ovarian cancer.

Who is at High Risk for Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms and Signs
The highest risk of ovarian cancer is faced by women who are in the age group of 60 -70 years old women. Women who don't give birth to children are also at high risk of ovarian cancer. Women with a condition known as endometriosis, and those who receive postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy are also at increased risk for ovarian cancer.

Women who give birth to children earlier in life are at low risk for ovarian cancer. Also more the children, less the risk for developing ovarian cancer. Breast feeding may also reduce the risk of certain types of ovarian cancer. Use of low dose hormonal contraception gives a protective cover against ovarian cancer. The risk also gets lower in women who have had their fallopian tubes blocked surgically.

What are the Stages of Ovarian Cancer?

'Stages of Cancer' is a term used to describe the size of the cancer and the extent of its spread. Knowing the stage of cancer helps doctors in deciding the adequate and the best treatment for ovarian cancer or any other cancer. International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) groups ovarian cancer into four stages. Generally, without laparotomy (an operation in which abdomen is opened up) ovarian cancer can not be staged. So, the stages of ovarian cancer are dtermined surgically. The table below gives information about the four stages of ovarian cancer.

Ovarian Cancer Stage 1 Cancer remains confined to one or both the ovaries.
Ovarian Cancer Stage 2 Cancer affects one or both ovaries and extends into the pelvis.
Ovarian Cancer Stage 3 Cancer affects one or both ovaries with peritoneal metastasis outside the pelvis and/or regional lymph node metastasis. It reaches the abdomen.
Ovarian Cancer Stage 4 Distant metastasis beyond the peritoneal cavity and liver parenchymal metastasis. It spreads outside the abdomen, mostly into the lungs.
Ovarian Cancer Stages

How is Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer done?

As genetic factors cause a great numbers of ovarian cancer, personal and family medical history is closely evaluated by a gynaecological oncologist to detect if a woman suffers from ovarian cancer or not. In addition to this, many other medical investigations and examinations may be needed to diagnose ovarian cancer. These may include pelvic examination, ultrasound, CA 125 blood test, and surgery.

How is Ovarian Cancer Treatment Done?

Ovarian cancer treatment of all stages is done through surgery. Surgery may be the only treatment for early stage cancer. Ovarian cancer treatment options for other advanced stages may include surgery; chemotherapy; and targeted therapy.

For detailed information about diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer, read Ovarian Cancer- Diagnosis and Treatment

What is Oral Hygiene? How to Maintain Good Dental Hygiene?

Diposting oleh Unknown Rabu, 12 September 2012 1 komentar

12 September is World Oral Health Day!

Know about Oral and Dental Hygiene- The Basics of Oral Hygiene, its Importance and Tips for good oral and dental hygiene.  

What is Oral Hygiene?

Oral hygiene means keeping mouth and teeth clean so that we can prevent common dental problems like dental cavities, gingivitis, and bad breath. Good oral hygiene is when our mouth looks and smells healthy. This means that our teeth are clean and free of debris; our gums are pink and they do not hurt or bleed when we brush or floss; and we do not suffer from bad breath. If any of these problems occur, we have poor oral hygiene. In such a situation, we should take steps for keeping good oral hygiene either by taking proper care of our mouth and teeth or by visiting dental hygienist who can help us in learning techniques for good oral hygiene.

What is the Importance of Oral Hygiene? 

Our mouth is a very vital organ that carries out many important functions like eating, drinking, taste, breathing, verbal as well as non-verbal communication etc. Our saliva too has antibacterial properties that helps our body in fighting against infections. Therefore, oral hygiene is important as it keeps our mouth and teeth healthy leading to good health and general well being. In simple terms, oral hygiene is important in preventing many diseses, some of which have been listed below.

What are the Diseases Caused by Poor Oral and Dental Hygiene? 

If we do not keep good oral health, following diseases can give us pain, embarrasement and uneasiness, not to forget infections!

Cheilitis– Inflammation and cracked skin of the lips with reddened or bleeding areas.
Debris– Any foreign material that is loosely attached to a tooth surface.
Dental caries – Cavities or decayed tooth which causes due to plaque and complex interaction of food, particularly starches and sugars, with bacteria that form dental plaque.
Dental plaque – Mucus and bacteria attached to the teeth leading to dental caries and infections of the gingival tissue.
Gingivitis– Inflammation of the gums where the gums around the teeth become red, swollen and bleeding occurs.
Halitosis– Offensive breath or bad breath.
Oral candidiasis – It is also called oral thrush and is an infection of yeast fungi on the mucous membranes of the mouth.
Stomatitis– It is an inflammation of the mucous lining of the oral cavity which may involve the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips, throat, and roof or floor. It may occur with or without ulceration.
Tartar– It is the hardened plaque or hard calcified deposit which forms on the teeth leading to their decay.
Xerostomia– Abnormal dryness of mouth due to reduced saliva secretion.

What are the Basics of Oral Hygiene? 

Now when we know the importance of oral hygiene and the risks involved in poor dental hygiene, we should also know about the basics of oral hygiene so that we may practice it regularly. The basics of oral hygiene involve three factors:  
Brushing and Flossing;
Healhty Diet; 
and Long Term Dental Care 
How to adopt these basic practices for oral hygiene and keep our mouth and teeth healthy? Read on the tips for good oral hygiene given below to get the answer to this question!  

Tips for Good Oral and Dental Hygiene

Now we know that brushing and flossing, healhty diet, and long term dental care are what we need to maintain good oral hygiene. So, how to go about these factors! Here are some tips for dental hygiene.  

Brushing and Flossing
  • Brush twice a day. Use the right technique of brushing- downward strokes for upper teeth and upward strokes for lower teeth. Children may use circular motion while brushing teeth.
  • Brush twice daily- in the morning, preferably after breakfast and at night before going to bed.
  • Brush at least for 2 minutes- not less than that.
  • Brush your tongue also to prevent mouth borne bacteria.

  • Flossing after brushing each time helps remove plaque from in between the teeth as brushing removes plaque from the surfaces of teeth only.
  • A mouthwash that does not contain alcohol can help in maintaining good oral hygiene. Choose mouthwash having anti plaque agent and some fluoride.
Healthy Diet for Oral Health
  • Avoid having too much sugary foods and drinks like soda, cold drinks, sweetened tea etc.
  • Have foods rich in calcium and vitamins like nuts, cheese etc. As they help strengthen enamel. Get enough B vitamins and calcium for health of the teeth.
  • Sticky foods like banana and french fries that stick to teeth can harm them. Brushing teeth after having sticky foods is a good idea for orl health.
  • Its not possible to brush between meals so a sugerless gum can be chewed for about 10 minutes after meal. It helps remove food particles from between teeth.
  • Snacks between meals should be healthy and withour suger.
  • Acidic foods such as lemon and orange can promote tooth decay. Dilute them with water when having them and bruch after having them.
  • Fresh and raw fruits like apples are good for teeth health.
Long Term Dental Care
  • Get regular dental check up and teeth cleaning, preferably every six month.
  • Replace tooth brush every three months and keep it clean and germ free.
  • If having tooth ache, immediately go to dentist as this can be due to some infection.
  • Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco as they are bad for oral health.
  • If you experience tooth sensitivity or taste of your mouth changes or you face any other issue that's not normal for mouth or teeth, consult your dentist.

Aquatic Therapy- Water Exercises for Low Back Pain

Diposting oleh Unknown Selasa, 04 September 2012 0 komentar

Aquatic therapy or water therapy is beneficial in treatment of body pains. It is especially advised these days to get rid of lower back pain including pregnancy-related low back pain! Let's know more about what is aquatic or water therapy, why this is beneficial in getting rid of lower back pain, how and what types of water exercises to do and when not to do water exercises!

What is Aquatic or Water Therapy?

Aquatic therapy, sometimes called pool therapy is one of the physical therapies performed in the water. This therapy uses the resistance of water instead of weights in order to rehabilitate patients after injury or those suffering from chronic pain, not only in lower back but also in neck or other body parts. Water exercises done during water therapy sessions help in mobilizing joints, increasing range of motion and in developing balance and stability.

Why Water Therapy?- The Benefits

Sometimes land based exercises are not possible due to such factors as intensity of pain, decreased bone density, advanced osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, muscle strain or tear, some sort of disability or other conditions. Aquatic therapy conducted in pool provides a safe environment to work out  muscles and to stretch our bodies as water eliminates the constraints that result from gravity. Water exercises also help in conditioning and strengthening muscles that may avoid future recurrences of back pain. Water exercise therapy is also beneficial for people with diabetes and high blood pressure. The biggest advantage- You can do water exercise even if you don't know how to swim!

When Should you Not do Water Exercises?

In spite of many benefits of water therapy in treating back pain, there are certain situations when water exercise should not be done. Go through the below list and avoid doing water exercises without consulting with your physician or without the presence of qualified supporter when you do aquatic therapy exercises.

Seizures- Those having epilepsy should not step in water without a superviser who monitors vigilantly and is able to help when required.
Heart disease- one should consult with doctor and be very clear about what exercises to do in water and which ones to avoid. Close monitoring is required for people with heart diseases.
Neurological diseases- If someone suffers from MS or other neurological diseases, physician should be consulted about precautions to be taken while doing water exercises.
Open wounds and infection- One should not go into the pool with open wounds or infections.
Flu and other infectious diseases- Pool should be avoided in such case as it can make you more sick and may also infect others.
Uncontrolled bowel or bladder- If you cannot control your bowel or bladder, you should not go into the pool.
Fear of water- It might not let you get benefits of water exercises. First overcome the fear and then go for aquatic therapy.

How to do Water Exercises?

You cannot just step in the pool and start oing water exercises. You must follow the required routine for water therapy so that you may get all its benefits.

As with any fitness activity, there are some basic components to a water exercise session. A water exercise routine should start with a warm up for about 5-10 minutes. One of the easiest things to do to warm up is water walk. Then a series of gradually intensifying strengthening and aerobic exercises should build for about 20-30 minutes, or more if you can handle it. After that you can cool down (yes, you still need to cool down even though you are in the pool), with more water walking.

Warm up- Start your water exercise session with water walking for about 5-10 minutes.
Strengthening and aerobic exercises- Start strengthening and aerobic exercises for about 20 minutes. You should start with mild exercises and then gradually intensify them.
Cool down- Just as you warmed yourself up before starting water exercises, you should cool down after finishing them. Water walk for 5-10 minutes is again the best way to cool down. You can also stretch your hips and legs in water for a few minutes.

Which Water Exercises to do for Low Back Pain?

Now its turn to know some aquatic exercises that can help you get rid for low back pain.
Sometimes, you might want to do water therapy exercises for your back with aquatic equipment. These water exercise equipment are made of lightweight material that floats and are specially shaped for the purpose. You might chose to exercise in pool without any equipment too.

Water Walking- Apart from being a great warm up, water walk done with hand webs can be good for reducing back pain too. In about waist-high water, walk across the pool. Keep swinging your arms like when you walk on land. Don't walk on tiptoes and keep your back straight. Tighten your abdominal muscles so that you do not lean too far forward or to the side. You can  wear hand webs or other resistance devices to increase resistance as your hands and arms move through the water. Water shoes can also help you maintain traction on the bottom of the pool.

Leg Circles- Stand in the pool having waist-high water. Stand on the left leg and lift the right leg up. Now with the right leg, make three clockwise circles and then three counterclockwise circles. Repeat while standing on the right leg and making circles with the left leg. Doing atleast ten sets with each leg would strengthen your back.

Sit-down Exercise- You can do this water exercise with an imaginary chair. Stand in waist high water placing your back against the wall. Get yourself in a sitting position as if there was a chair on which you are sitting. Keep your thighs parallel to the floor of the pool. Now pump your arms as if you were marching. While doing this, count up to 30. Now take a break for half a minute and repeat the exercise.

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